The Daily Neopets Item Database
Antique Key Wings

Antique Key Wings


Old discarded keys have been fashioned into wings! This prize was awarded through Edolies Phantastic Finds.

Restock Info

Restocks At: Nowhere/Unknown
Release Date: March 31, 2012

NC Mall

Wearable By: Acara, Aisha, Blumaroo, Bori, Bruce, Buzz, Chia, Chomby, Cybunny, Draik, Elephante, Eyrie, Flotsam, Gelert, Gnorbu, Grarrl, Grundo, Hissi, Ixi, Jetsam, Jubjub, Kacheek, Kau, Kiko, Koi, Korbat, Kougra, Krawk, Kyrii, Lenny, Lupe, Lutari, Meerca, Moehog, Mynci, Nimmo, Ogrin, Peophin, Poogle, Pteri, Quiggle, Ruki, Scorchio, Shoyru, Skeith, Techo, Tonu, Tuskaninny, Uni, Usul, Wocky, Xweetok, Yurble, Zafara
Zones Affected: Wings

Item Notes

This item was awarded on Day 2 of the Spring 2012 Edolie's Phantastic Finds.