The Daily Neopets Item Database
Gold Sequin Top Hat

Gold Sequin Top Hat


This dazzling top hat must have taken many hours to make! This bonus NC item was awarded for the Stocking Stufftacular.

Restock Info

Restocks At: Nowhere/Unknown
Release Date: January 1, 2012

NC Mall

Wearable By: Acara, Aisha, Blumaroo, Bori, Bruce, Buzz, Chia, Chomby, Cybunny, Draik, Elephante, Eyrie, Flotsam, Gelert, Gnorbu, Grarrl, Grundo, Hissi, Ixi, Jetsam, Jubjub, Kacheek, Kau, Kiko, Koi, Korbat, Kougra, Krawk, Kyrii, Lenny, Lupe, Lutari, Meerca, Moehog, Mynci, Nimmo, Ogrin, Peophin, Poogle, Pteri, Quiggle, Ruki, Scorchio, Shoyru, Skeith, Techo, Tonu, Tuskaninny, Uni, Usul, Wocky, Xweetok, Yurble, Zafara
Zones Affected: Hat Back, Hat Front

Item Notes

This item was awarded as a bonus for participating in Days 21-25 during the 2012 Stocking Stufftacular.

This item is also obtainable by opening a Retired Stockings Mystery Capsule.