The Daily Neopets Item Database
Terror Mountain Team Sport Shirt

Terror Mountain Team Sport Shirt


Show your love for Terror Mountain with an authentic sport shirt that comes in exclusive team colours!

Restock Info

Restocks At: Nowhere/Unknown
Release Date: June 1, 2011

NC Mall

Wearable By: Acara, Aisha, Blumaroo, Bori, Bruce, Buzz, Chia, Chomby, Cybunny, Draik, Elephante, Eyrie, Flotsam, Gelert, Gnorbu, Grarrl, Grundo, Hissi, Ixi, Jetsam, Jubjub, Kacheek, Kau, Kiko, Koi, Korbat, Kougra, Krawk, Kyrii, Lenny, Lupe, Lutari, Meerca, Moehog, Mynci, Nimmo, Ogrin, Peophin, Poogle, Pteri, Quiggle, Ruki, Scorchio, Shoyru, Skeith, Techo, Tonu, Tuskaninny, Uni, Usul, Wocky, Xweetok, Yurble, Zafara
Zones Affected: Jacket

Item Notes

This item was awarded to Neopians who participated in the AC6 NC VIP Passes.

This item is also obtainable by opening the following items: