The Daily Neopets Item Database
Tulle and Bells Cape

Tulle and Bells Cape


This soft cape jingles when you move. This was created by the Crafting Faerie.

Restock Info

Restocks At: Nowhere/Unknown
Release Date: February 21, 2014

NC Mall

Wearable By: Acara, Aisha, Blumaroo, Bori, Bruce, Buzz, Chia, Chomby, Cybunny, Draik, Elephante, Eyrie, Flotsam, Gelert, Gnorbu, Grarrl, Grundo, Hissi, Ixi, Jetsam, Jubjub, Kacheek, Kau, Kiko, Koi, Korbat, Kougra, Krawk, Kyrii, Lenny, Lupe, Lutari, Meerca, Moehog, Mynci, Nimmo, Ogrin, Peophin, Poogle, Pteri, Quiggle, Ruki, Scorchio, Shoyru, Skeith, Techo, Tonu, Tuskaninny, Uni, Usul, Wocky, Xweetok, Yurble, Zafara
Zones Affected: Jacket

Item Notes

This exclusive NC item was obtainable through a Crafting Faerie Quest by combining:

This item is also obtainable by opening the following items: