The Daily Neopets Item Database
Water Wings

Water Wings


These wings should help you fly AND swim!

Restock Info

Restock Price: 150 NC
Restocks At: NC: Wings
Release Date: August 20, 2013

NC Mall

Wearable By: Acara, Aisha, Blumaroo, Bori, Bruce, Buzz, Chia, Chomby, Cybunny, Draik, Elephante, Eyrie, Flotsam, Gelert, Gnorbu, Grarrl, Grundo, Hissi, Ixi, Jetsam, Jubjub, Kacheek, Kau, Kiko, Koi, Korbat, Kougra, Krawk, Kyrii, Lenny, Lupe, Lutari, Meerca, Moehog, Mynci, Nimmo, Ogrin, Peophin, Poogle, Pteri, Quiggle, Ruki, Scorchio, Shoyru, Skeith, Techo, Tonu, Tuskaninny, Uni, Usul, Wocky, Xweetok, Yurble, Zafara
Zones Affected: Wings

Item Notes

This item was available for purchase in the NC Mall until September 8, 2013.

This item was also obtainable through The Desert Jewel.

This item is also obtainable by opening the following items: